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O'Mara's Original Country Cream 700ml

Blended with only the richest Irish cream and a uniquely gently fermented alcohol, O'Mara's is infused with a semisweet chocolate flavour with subtle coconut notes. It offers a combination of sweet luxury and extraordinary smoothness. The quality and exceptional taste of O'Mara's was also recognized as award winning at the San Francisco Spirits Competition. O'Mara's is drinkable proof that superior care in the making can produce a luxurious and refined cream possessing a rich but soft finish.

O'Mara's Salted Caramel Cream 700ml

O'Mara's Irish Country Cream is a luscious Irish Cream Liqueur that was the first to incorporate fine wine in the blending process.

Opal Nera The Original Black 700ml

Opal Nera was created many years ago from a secret recipe by Francoli, a family company of distillers based in northern Italy. The company, whose origins go back several generations, created the world's first carbon-neutral distillery and have always been at the forefront of pioneering spirits. Opal Nera was the original black Italian liqueur and rapidly achieved worldwide renown.

Pallini Limoncello 700ml

Pallini Limoncello is a natural liqueur that has been crafted by the Pallini family in Italy since 1875. It is made from prized, Sfusato lemons, exclusive to the Amalfi coast. The hand-picked lemons are infused immediately, so their freshness and flavour is delivered in every bottle. Its versatility is almost endless - enjoy it neat, on the rocks, straight from the fridge, or mixed into cocktails and food recipes. For a crisp and authentic taste of Italy, none can compare! GMO Free, Gluten Free, Kosher.

Parthenon The Original Ouzo 700ml

The Original Parthenon Ouzo is traditionally mixed with water, becoming cloudy white, sometimes with a faint blue tinge, and served with ice cubes in a small glass. This Ouzo can also be drunk straight from a shot glass. Parthenon Ouzo is widely consumed in Greece straight or with cold water/ice.

Patrón Añejo Tequila 700ml

Aged in French, American and Hungarian Oak this tequila has added complexity and flavour. Aromas of sweet, lightly cooked agave with woody toasted dry fruits, vanilla, apricot and spicy oak. A soft, rich taste with flavours of honey, cinnamon and pear. Dried spices and pepper round out the apple notes with a long lingering finish.

Patrón Reposado Tequila 700ml

Notes of lemon, pineapple and citrus leap from the glass. Characteristics of light oak, sweet caramel, honey and vanilla notes intertwined with fruit notes of apple, pear and banana. A long lingering finish.

Patrón Silver Tequila 700ml

With aromas of citrus and tropical notes including lime peel, banana and black pepper. The taste is soft and sweet with flavours of fresh and cooked agave, honey and orange rind and lemon peel. A delicate and lingering finish.

Pernod Pastis French Apertif 700ml

Pernod is an aniseed aperitif was invented in Paris by Jules Pernod as a replacement for the banned absinthe. Since then it has become world renowned. Served best long with water and plenty of ice.

Pimm's The Original No.1 Cup 700ml

A gin based liqueur made from English dry gin, liqueur, fruit juices & spices. A popular choice in the English summer, served in a wide range of cocktails.

Portobello Road Temperance Spirit 4.2% 700ml

This Temperance Spirit is a lower-alcohol choice for those who want to moderate their alcohol intake without losing the flavour of gin! Using the same botanicals as the Portobello Road Gin, the Temperance has a well-balanced flavour of warm botanicals, juniper and citruses. Use this spirit as a replacement for any gin cocktail for a less boozy way of enjoying a good drink.

Powers Gold Label Irish Whiskey 700ml

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